Trevor Kloeck, President
Plantae Technologies has recently entered commercial production at its Sturgeon County facility of its environmental and oilfield product lines. Unique to Plantae, these product lines complement each other with the by-products of one product line supporting the operations of the other. The principles behind the circular economy are sound, needed and an exciting step forward for commercial innovation, but come with their own set of challenges. Plantae will share some of its key technological and market learnings in the circular economy as well as key steps needed for Alberta to take its rightful place as a leader in the sector.
About Plantae Technologies:
Plantae Technologies is a Canadian sustainable products company based near Edmonton, Alberta where some of Canada’s most productive farmland meets the boreal forest. Plantae believes that plant-based fibres from agricultural residues, food production, and forestry are the last major sustainable natural resource available for conversion into products the world needs. Plantae believes that these materials can be used to help heal damaged ecosystems, while concurrently providing the green feedstocks of the future if a careful, and science-based approach is deployed. Plantae Technologies founders are not new to this industry and have been working with companies globally for decades to create more sustainable products. Plantae Technologies welcomes partnership and collaboration and believes now is the time to convert rhetoric into action.
This Event is hosted by Bio Alberta